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Thermal Dynamic Coating

The environmental answer to URBAN HEAT

TDC™ is a high-performance, all-around protective thermal coating for all construction applications. It is a thermal dynamic, water-resistant flexible polymeric coating that can be applied by various rollers, brush or airless systems. No VOC

Reduce your heat and energy cost by up to 30%,  up to 10C less indoors.

no matter what colour you choose.




TDC™-R in combination with TDC™-Primer is the perfect roof protection. No matter what the colour, giving you a 30% PLUS reduction in heat uptake reducing your energy bills and bringing down the URBAN HEAT. In 'white ' TDC™ will even give you an extra 98% reflectiveness for free.


TDC™-W also contains a patented mineral platform that ensures a high level of thermal dynamic reducing in excess of 20% radiant heat based on as little as 8kg/m2 or 200microns dry build. More than 30% when used with TDC™- Primer.


TDC™-F is applied in the same manner as a standard exterior coating but will provide a much higher level of protection.  

TDC™-F is the perfect coating with an outstanding durability.


TDC™ Will provide an excellent VOC free low-profile paint finish over substrates such as concrete, bricks,building blocks, cement renders & previous textures, fibre cement sheeting, A.A.C. panels/blocks, timber
frames & facia boards, and Aluminum and Zincalume guttering or roofs.

It even gives you an up to 3 bar waterproofing!

​TDC™ thermal dynamic coatings are based on an IP protected mineral composition which also produces a fire retardant layer.

30% PLUS reduction in Heat transfer

Environmentally active. Perfect for 'undercover' application where

'Normal' coatings work on the assumption of reducing the radiant UV heat

solely as a topcoat and only if white or extreme reflective.

TDC™ is designed to work both ways achieving the result no matter what colour you choose...

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